Paul Varro

Paul Varro

Chief Financial Officer and Executive General Manager Finance.

Prior to January 2022 he was Latitude's Chief Commercial Officer, with end-to end responsibility for all products including credit cards and retail finance, personal lending and insurance products, along with product marketing and credit risk.

Paul's career includes experience in financial services across Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, and United States. A chartered accountant, he began his career with Deloitte and holds a Bachelor of Business degree in Accounting and Business Law.

Paul has held a range of senior executive and board positions since joining GE/Latitude in 2008, including CFO Insurance, CFO Consumer Finance (GE), Group Treasurer, Executive General Manager, Product, and Executive General Manager, Pay and Insurance.

Our leadership team

Bob Belan
Bob Belan

Managing Director & CEO

Paul Varro
Paul Varro

Chief Financial Officer and
Executive General Manager Finance.

Felicity Joslin
Felicity Joslin

Executive General Manager, People & Culture

Adriana Martinez
Adriana Martinez

Executive General Manager, Pay

Karl Hoffman
Karl Hoffman

Executive General Manager, Money and Corporate Strategy & Transformation

Mark Brudenell
Mark Brudenell

Chief Risk Officer and Executive General Manager, Risk. Acting EGM Enterprise Services